LANDSCAPE LVIA, Shugborough, Stafford Telecommunications proposals within the grounds of National Trust Shugborough LANDSCAPE LVIA, Shugborough, Stafford Telecommunications proposals within the grounds of National Trust Shugborough LANDSCAPE LVIA, Shugborough, Stafford Telecommunications proposals within the grounds of National Trust Shugborough

Telecommunications proposals within the grounds of National Trust Shugborough


Landscape Architects


Landscape and Visual Assessment






The landscape team here at Ascerta provided Landscape and Visual Assessment for the National Trust Shugborough Estate in the Midlands, which required an assessment for telecommunications development within the estate grounds. The site presented unique challenges associated with the historic sensitivities of the site and surrounding landscape, due to its location within a Conservation Area and Registered Park and Gardens, and close proximity to the Cannock Chase AONB. The landscape team delivered an assessment which determined that the potential landscape and visual effects generated by the proposed development would be acceptable within the sensitive and highly valued landscape and ensured that appropriate mitigation would be included. The proposals were strategically located to be concealed by existing landform and woodland within the estate, and near a nearby railway line to help assimilate the proposal with the landscape. The assessment considered publicly accessible and high-value views experienced from nearby Public Rights of Way, including Long Distance Walking Routes, whilst also considering the potential effects upon nearby Listed Buildings and visitors to the estate.

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