Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys)
A Phase 1 Habitat survey is a standardised system used to identify and map habitat types and features of ecological interest within or around a site in compliance with the Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey: a Technique for Environmental Audit (JNCC, 2010). It may be ‘extended’ to highlight the potential for protected species on the site.
An Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey provides preliminary data regarding a site, and the results can indicate the need for further surveys and mitigation to ensure that a proposed development complies with relevant legislation.
These surveys can generally be carried out throughout the year. Consequently, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys are a valuable source of information for developers as early identification of ecological issues can prevent unnecessary delays to planning applications.
In some cases, the presence of protected species can require significant alterations to the design of a scheme and can significantly influence the construction timetable. This is why we always recommend that the Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey is carried out as early as possible to allow potential constraints to be identified as soon as possible. You will want to know as quickly as possible if there are any existing or potential protected species that will require additional survey effort at particular times of the year for example.

Contact Us
For more information on Preliminary Ecological Appraisals or to discuss a specific project, contact our office on 0845 463 4404.
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