great crested newt
Great crested newt Habitat Assessments
Great crested newt Presence/Absence Survey
Population Size Assessments
Great crested newt Mitigation Schemes
Habitat Suitability Index Assessments
Detailed Assessments and Reports to Support Planning Applications
Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling to establish the presence/absence

Great crested newts are fully protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and Schedule 2 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 making them a European Protected Species.
Broad habitat type vary greatly, the most frequent being pastoral and arable farmland, woodland, scrub, and grassland.
Any development proposed within 500m of suitable aquatic habitat for great crested newts (GCN) must be assessed for the potential impact that development might have on this species. The impact on terrestrial habitat is also a material planning consideration.
Initial surveys (including eDNA sampling of ponds) to identify the potential for the presence of great crested newts, as well as to enable the correct advice on a range of management options should their presence be established, is time critical. You need to be able to state with confidence whether GCN are present or absent within a site or given area before proceeding with your proposal. While it is relatively rare for GCN to prevent the development of a site, there is nonetheless a risk to your timetable if surveys aren’t accepted due to lack of effort or being considered out of season. You would be best advised to liaise with your ecologist from an early stage and be prepared to design mitigation into your scheme.
survey timings
Survey work for great crested newts should be carried out between March and June. Therefore, early identification for the need to conduct great crested newt surveys will prevent delays to planning applications.Contact Us
For more information on Great Crested Newts Surveys, or to discuss a specific project, contact our office on 0845 463 4404.